Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Wow Kidz Wishes Everyone a Very Happy Halloween!!!

Halloween is a holiday full of fun and creativity. It is this time of the year when people enjoy letting their imagination run wild in search of the right creepy costume, looking forward to attending spooky parties, collecting candies, and a lot more of traditions. People enjoy creating new, electrifying, eerie memories on this day! 

Are you excited to watch this spooky Halloween song by your favorite characters, Vir: The Robot Boy and Imli? 

Sing along with them:

Halloween is here, hallo Halloween Halloween is here, hallo Halloween The howling of the spooky wind is the sound we hear The hairy monster is out for a stroll The scarecrow is having dinner with the troll The Mummy has crawled out of his tomb The little werewolf is howling from his room Halloween is here, hallo Halloween Halloween is here, hallo Halloween let's all get spooky now... In the kitchen the ugly witch is toiling Lizard's tail & bat's wing are in her cauldron boiling Little ghosts are playing with their train set but the vampire is sitting alone & is quite upset Light the jack-o-lantern for it's All hallo's eve It’s a night to celebrate, and dress up & deceive Halloween is here, hallo Halloween Halloween is here, hallo Halloween let's all get spooky now...

Wow Kidz wishes you all have a very scary and Happy Halloween!!

What are you going to do this Halloween? Write in the comment box below!! 

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