Ghost Mera Dost is a cartoon series based on a 14-year-old budding filmmaker, Munna, and his invisible ghost best friend, Rockstar Jigri. Munna, the protagonist of the show, is an aspiring director and makes his own amateur movies as a typical routine while Rockstar is the funny mischievous ghost best friend of Munna who helps him in the making of his movies on a regular basis.
Munna, being
new to Beverly Heights, feels like an outsider as he perceives that he doesn’t
belong to the Royalty of the place. During this time in his life, Rockstar has
been a real best friend to him and has supported Munna through all his difficulties
to fit in into the crowd and finding himself amid all the stardom.
Jigri has lived a very elegant and glamorous life of being an extremely famous
pop star before his death. Rockstar’s ghost cannot be seen or heard by anyone
unless they wear anything that he owned before his death. Munna can see
Rockstar only because he wears a blue guitar necklace that was owned by
Rockstar before his demise. Rockstar also had a crocodile for a pet, who Munna
is very scared of.
Munna’s sole
ambition has always been to become a filmmaker and make his own dilettante
movies all the time, most of them being either Zombie movies or prank videos.
Rockstar tries to help Munna create his films while also engendering a fair
share of problems in Munna’s life at the same time.